eller conjugata anatomica, är avståndet mellan odden och den övre kanten av den Denna storlek är det verkliga konjugatet, conjugata vera - avståndet mellan Det kallas också ett gynekologiskt konjugat, conjugata gynaecologica, vilket
Conjugata Vera is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Conjugata Vera and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.
Conjugata Diagonalis Lig . Arcuatum pubis promontorium sacrum; diukur per vaginam . Panjang 13 cm. Die Conjugata vera ist mit 11 bis 11,5 cm der kürzeste Durchmesser des Beckens. Gemessen wird hierbei von der Eminentia retropubica an der Hinterfläche der Symphysis pubica bis zum Promontorium des Os sacrum. Wegen ihrer großen Rolle bei der Geburtshilfe wird sie auch als "Conjugata obstetrica 2019-05-10 · Pelvis menor Estrecho superior Diámetro AP Conjugata vera anatómica: 11 cm Conjugata vera obstétrica: 10,5 cm Conjugata diagonalis: 12 cm Diámetros oblicuos: 12- 12,75 cm Diámetro transverso máximo: 13-13,5 cm Estrecho medio: Diámetro AP: 12 cm Diámetro biciático: 10,5 cm Estrecho Inferior Diámetro AP: 9,5 cm Diámetro subsacro-subpúbico: 11cm Diámetro biisquiático: 11 cm 3.
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a. die Conjugata vera conjugata. Useful english dictionary. 2012.
Diameter anteroposterior; Head of Baby conjugata vera anatomica: A szimfízis felső részét a promontoriummal összekötő sagittalis átmérő.
Start studying Płaszczyzny i wymiary miednicy. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
conjugata anatomica pelvis — [TA] c. vera pelvis … Medical dictionary. conjugata vera pelvis conjugata vera pelvis — [TA] true conjugate of pelvis: a diameter of the pelvic outlet, the anteroposterior diameter measured between the superior margin of the symphysis pubis and the sacrovertebral angle; this is the shortest diameter that the fetal head must pass… … Medical dictionary. conjugata — Conjugate konjugata anatomica Panjang jarak dari pinggir atas simfisis ke promontorium (lebih kurang 11,5 cm) konjugata vera Panjang jarak dari pinggir posterior simfisis ke promontorium (lebih kurang 11 cm) diameter transversa Jarak terjauh garis melintang pada pintu atas panggul/linea terminalis (lebih kurang 13 cm) Conjugate diameters of the pelvis.
1-Conjugata anatômica. ▫Borda superior da sínfise até o promontório. ▫Faz parte de um plano anatômico da bacia: o estreito superior (andar que marca a
[L. conjugatus, joined together. See conjugata] anatomical c. [TA] measure of pelvic … Medical dictionary • conjugata vera anatômica = 11 cm • conjugata vera obstétrica = 10,5 cm • conjugata diagonalis = 12 cm . transverso • transverso = 13 cm oblíquos • esquerdo = 12 cm • direito = 12 cm Conjugata externa: Bezeichnet den Abstand vom Oberrand der Symphyse bis zum Processus spinosus des 5.
26 Mar 2013 it is also called the true or obstetric conjugate (conjugata vera), makes 11 cm. There is also distinguished the anatomic conjugate (conjugata anatomic) — the distance from the promontory of sacral bone to the upper ma
conjugata diagonalis<나>. 대각전후직경, 대각결합선(對角結合線). conjugata externa<나>. 바깥전후직경, 외결합선. conjugata vera anatomica<나>. 해부참전후
ANATOMÍA DE PELVIS OSEA Y PELVIS PARIETAL JESUS ANIBAL mínimo ( conjugata vera) 10.5 cm Promontosubpubiano (conjugado diagonal) 12-13 cm
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direct and accurate measurements of the conjugata vera.
Anteroposterior or conjugate diameter or conjugata vera: Extends from the lower margin of the pubic symphysis to the sacrococcygeal joint; about 110 mm. Transverse diameter: Extends across the greatest width of the superior aperture, from the middle of the brim on one side to the same point on the opposite; about 135 mm. Oblique diameter
an·a·tom·ic con·ju·gate (an'ă-tom'ik kon'jŭ-găt) [TA] Measure of pelvic dimension describing the distance between the sacral promontory and the inferior border of the pubic symphysis, measured manually per vaginam or by ultrasonography. It is used to extrapolate the true conjugate.
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Conjugata vera anatomica; Conjugata vera obstetrica; Conjugata diagonalis; Diameter transversa; Diameter obliqua sinistra; Diameter obliqua dextra; Pelvic Outlet . Distansia interspinosa: narrowest part of birth canal. Diameter anteroposterior; Head of Baby
No. Significant. 15.